Brazilian Landscapes No.19 at the 6th Villa-Lobos Internacional Chamber Music Festival

Brazilian Landscapes no. 19, Op.244 (2019) performed by the Unicamp Cello Quartet Lars Hoefs, Eduarda Souza, Bianca de Souza and Gabriel Falcade) in Pasadena at the 6th Villa-Lobos International Chamber Music Festival, on February 5, 2020. The cellos heard here were all made by Michael Fischer.
This is the nineteenth piece of a series called Brazilian Landscapes, which portrays the composer’s own impressions about Brazil, his native country. All the movements, in this piece, make reference to rivers that flow near Russas, the composer’s native city – 1.Araibu , 2.Banabuiú, and 3.Jaguaribe. Brazilian Landscapes No. 19 is dedicated to Lars Hoefs and the UNICAMP Cello Quartet.

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